Well Water Sampling Options

UW-Extension recommends that well owners sample their well at least once per year, at a different time of the year. You can test your water through the Fond du Lac County Health Department, the UW-Extension lab in Stevens Point, the State Lab of Hygiene or other private laboratories in the area. Below are descriptions of […]

County Well Water Overview

On January 9th, Diana gave a presentation (PDF, 3MB) to the Fond du Lac County UW-Extension, Agriculture, and Recreation Committee about well water. It includes: results of recent sampling programs in the Towns of Empire & Friendship, where to find other well water data using the WI Well Water Quality Viewer, past actions to learn […]

Oakfield Area Well Sampling Opportunity – 2017

Town of Oakfield invites area families to sample drinking well water. View Details & Secure Registration Options through Eventbrite Reasons to Test Through This Program: Understand Risk: Testing reveals what, if any, contaminants are in your drinking Your Children’s Health: Kids, especially babies and pregnant women, are more vulnerable to certain Increased Confidence in Water […]

Manure Management and Water Quality

This series of maps and images (PDF, 9874 KB) shows: Examples of karts features (like sinkholes) that make surface water and groundwater in Fond du Lac County particularly vulnerable to contamination from field runoff, leaking septic systems, and over-applied lawn and garden chemicals. Regulations and rules that farmers follow when land applying manure, whey, or […]

Well Water User Survey Update

More than 400 area residents have completed a survey about well water and more are needed. “I’m proud to say we have amazed the researchers helping us in River Falls with the tremendous participation of area residents so far,” says Diana Hammer Tscheschlok, Community, Natural Resource, and Economic Development Educator with the University of Wisconsin-Extension, […]

High Nitrates, What Now?

Discovering that your drinking water well has high levels of nitrates can be discouraging. However, knowing the nitrate level is an important step in maintaining the health of everyone in your household. The US Environmental Protection Agency states that drinking water with nitrate levels over 10mg/L is not safe for pregnant women and young children […]

El Agua de Noria

Todos en el condado de Fond du Lac recibimos el agua potable de norias, sean norias del municipio o sean norias privadas. El agua de las norias de los municipios se analiza los empleados del municipio frecuentemente. Si no está saludable tomar, el municipio alerta al público que esté afectada. El agua de las norias […]

New Well Water Quality Mapping Tool

        A new interactive well water quality viewer has been designed by the UW-Extension Center for Watershed Science and Education. Homeowners and local units of government can use this tool to: See what we know about general well water quality in Wisconsin. Compare water quality in your area to nearby towns or counties.  Raise […]

Byron and Lamartine Water Sampling Results

Last month, residents of Byron and Lamartine sent water samples to UW-Extension of Fond du Lac County. The results presentation is available for downloading and printing. Kevin Masarik, UW-Extension Groundwater Specialist reported these results to residents at an educational meeting on Tuesday, May 22 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the meeting room at the […]

Make Unused Wells Safer

“Well Abandonment” is the procedure used to fill in a drinking water well that is no longer in use.  This prevents ground-level pollution (lawn fertilizer, manure, septic system discharge) from flowing down the unused well and contaminating wells that are actively used for drinking water.  This is a legally required action to prevent drinking water […]

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