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Parenting and Family Relationships

Parenting & Family Relationships
Parenting is a forever process with many different stages, strategies and struggles. Thus, Extension has designed a variety of state and local level programs, literature, videos, fact sheets and community resources to meet the growing needs of parents and caregivers. These programs provide flexibility as they are offered virtually state-wide, with in-person options in many counties by Extension educators.
Just in Time Parenting Newsletters (JITP)
FREE age specific parenting newsletters for perfect for busy, on-the-go parents. Receive an email each month about your child’s social, emotional and physical development just in time. Hard copies are also available to be mailed to your home. Register at https://jitp.info/ or call 920-929-3170. Read more about the impact of JITP.
Families in Transition
Fond du Lac County’s co-parenting programs focus on keeping children out of the middle of parental conflict. This includes utilizing emotionally neutral communication and supporting the role of the other parent in the child’s life. Parents also learn the benefits of having a parenting plan in place.
- Trainings
- Living Apart Parenting Together is a co-parenting education class for divorcing or separating parents with minor children. This class is taught collaboratively by Fond du Lac County Family Court and Division of Extension-Fond du Lac County.
- Keeping It About the Kids is a co-parenting education class for paternity identified parents with minor children. This class is taught collaboratively by Fond du Lac County Family Court, Fond du Lac County Birth to Three, and Division of Extension-Fond du Lac County.
- Registration for Living Apart Parenting Together and Keeping It About the Kids are both done through Fond du Lac’s Family Court (920-929-3075).
- Co-Parenting Resources
Links to Additional Relationship Resources
- Parenting and Family Relationships
- Resources for Healthy Relationships
- Parenthetical: A social network for parents of tweens and teens
- Home Alone: Videos and short activities for you and your children to help you determine if they are ready to stay home alone. Available in Spanish at https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/homealone-espanol/.
Links to Additional Resources in Fond du Lac County
- Fond du Lac County’s Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) assists older adults, people with disabilities, and families/caregivers in finding services and resources to keep them living well and independently.
- Are you caring for an adult family member, friend or neighbor? Caregivers need support too.
For more information on programs offered state-wide, please see Division of Extension Parenting and Family Relationships