On January 9th, Diana gave a presentation (PDF, 3MB) to the Fond du Lac County UW-Extension, Agriculture, and Recreation Committee about well water. It includes:
- results of recent sampling programs in the Towns of Empire & Friendship,
- where to find other well water data using the WI Well Water Quality Viewer,
- past actions to learn and act for safer groundwater:
- Final Report of the Fond du Lac County Groundwater Advisory Council (2008, PDF,139KB)
- UW-Extension evaluation of well water sampling programs (2015, PDF, 1.1MB)
- educational resources in print and online for the public
- Because the geology that impacts well water in the area does not change quickly, these publications and images are accurate.
- Sampling data is collected on an ongoing and rotating basis, with only the householder knowing the results. Maps are drawn to give a regional view without compromising privacy.
- The WI Well Water Viewer shows only data from tests done through the Center for Watershed Science and Education. These results inform us about trends over time (for example, that more families in Fond du Lac County should sample for arsenic), but ARE NOT to be used to predict well water sampling results. The only way to know your well water quality is to sample it routinely (once per year).