Make Unused Wells Safer

“Well Abandonment” is the procedure used to fill in a drinking water well that is no longer in use.  This prevents ground-level pollution (lawn fertilizer, manure, septic system discharge) from flowing down the unused well and contaminating wells that are actively used for drinking water.  This is a legally required action to prevent drinking water […]

Marshfield & Calumet Drinking Water Sampling Results

Fond du Lac County UW-Extension recently completed a drinking water sampling program in partnership with the Towns of Calumet & Marshfield.  63 households sampled wells.  At the Marshfield Town Hall on October 20, each participant received an individualized packet of sampling results which were explained in the program. Here is what we learned about the drinking […]

Residential Water Use Calculator

This calculator allows residents of Wisconsin with municipal water to calculate how much they spend on water/energy for showering and flushing the toilet.  By selecting a municipality, the calculator imports the actual water and sewer rate for that community.  There is also an estimate of energy cost associated with hot water for showering that is […]

Drinking Water Sampling Program Completed

Fond du Lac County UW-Extension recently completed a drinking water sampling program in partnership with the Town of Ripon. 67 households sampled their wells, and 72 people attended the educational presentation at the Town Hall on April 13th.  Each participant received a packet of their own sampling results which were explained in the program. Here […]

Fond du Lac County Groundwater Analysis

Thanks to the many households who have participated in township wide water sampling over the years,  excellent data about our groundwater is now available in this report authored by UWEX Groundwater Specialist Kevin Masarik. Everyone in Fond du Lac County drinks well water either from a private well or a municipal well. This report explains […]

Water Policy Ideas

This website provides information on how local municipalities can protect drinking water through policy. Developed by the UWEX Center for Land Use Education, it includes a directory of current policies, information about local water quality, and pointers on how to include water quality in your comprehensive plan.

Septic System Care & Maintenance

Do you have your own mound system or holding tank?  A leaky or malfunctioning septic system can contaminate nearby wells and natural areas. This publication describes how they work and what you can do to keep yours working properly. Care and Maintenance of a Septic System (PDF)

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