Financial security is the goal for many Americans. Financial security is defined as an individual’s or family’s ability to meet short-term needs and to prepare for the future. The path to financial security requires accessible and accurate information, as well as financial competency in earning, spending, saving, borrowing, and protecting.
The long run objective of financial security begins with establishing financial stability, or the ability to make ends meet. For many, just one shift in the flow of financial resources (e.g., loss of a job, death of a breadwinner, divorce, or long-term illness) can be detrimental to financial stability and, if persistent, will impact financial security.
As the current economy continues to change around us, the Fond du lac County UW Extension Family Living Educator is providing monthly financial education programming at the Fond du Lac Job Center. Cutting Back while Keeping Up, Dealing with a Drop in Income and Where Does My Money Go are three educational programs that are taught on a monthly rotational basis at Job Center.
In addition to the classes at the Job Center, UW-Extension Family Living Education has continued to collaborate with the Fond du Lac County Treasurer’s office through an educational brochure, which is available at the Treasurer’s office for individuals interested in learning more about managing their personal finances. The class schedule and resources available through UW-Extension Fond du Lac County Family Living are listed in the brochure.
Collaborative efforts with the City of Fond du Lac Public Works Department and IntegNet EAP are instrumental in developing financial programming for their respective employees/clients. The programs are scheduled for February and March of 2012.