Human Development and Relationships

Click on the following links to learn more about Human Development and Relationships in Fond du Lac County.

Featured Programming

Real Colors® is a fun and interactive workshop that will provide participants with skills to understand human behavior and skills that are easy to incorporate into work life and everyday life. The techniques learned through Real Colors® can help bring about lasting, positive change, resulting in higher levels of success for all. 

Human Development and Relationships Impact Report

“In this report, you’ll discover the impact of programs designed to helpfamilies and individuals tackle these fundamental questions about their own development. From parenting and co-parenting to literacy, financial coaching, and even dealing with end-of-life planning, our institute has made a difference for families across Wisconsin.” – DANIELLE Y. HAIRSTON GREEN, PhD, CFCS-HDFS, Human Development & Relationships Institute Director, University of Wisconsin–Madison Division of Extension


(920) 906-4622

Our Office

UW-Madison Division of Extension
Fond du Lac County
Room 227 Administration/Extension Bldg.
400 University Drive
Fond du Lac, WI 54935-2998

Phone: (920) 906-4620
Fax: 920-906-4638
711 for Relay

Hours: M-F 8am – 4:30pm

The office is closed all major holidays and the day after Thanksgiving.

Where we are located

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