Fond du Lac County Market Livestock Project Orientation Meeting Cancelled

 **CANCELLED**CANCELLED**CANCELLED Fond du Lac County Market Livestock Project Orientation Meeting Monday, March 16, 2020 **CANCELLED** As you may be aware, Extension along with the UW-Madison community, UW-Oshkosh Fond du Lac Campus, and our county, have been keeping a close eye on developments around the novel coronavirus COVID-19. At this point in time, UW- Madison Extension […]

4-H Family Times March Newsletter

Highlights for the March Family Times 4-H Newsletter include: Summer Camp, Lemonade Day, Spring 4-H Leader Meeting, Super Craft Saturday, 4-H Food Stand Sign Up, Scholarship Info, Creative Arts Fest, Fashion Revue, Junior Master Gardeners, Shooting Sports, and the Basketball Tournament.

A Day of Learning For the Entire Family

On Saturday, February 22nd Fond du Lac County 4-H held its Family Learning Day event.  125 youth from around the area were able to choose from 33 different educational sessions.  Parents were encouraged to participate in sessions along with their children.  These educational sessions were led by 50 different community members and 4-H volunteers.  Youth […]

4-H Family Times February Newsletter

Highlights for this issue include scholarship offerings, TLA Update, 2020 Lemonade Day announcement, 2020 FDL County Fair T-Shirt Design Contest, Weather Cancellations, Celebrate CommUNITY and policy updates. 4-H Family Times February Newsletter

Mark Your Calendars for Saturday, February 22nd

Looking for something to do on a winter Saturday? Family Learning Day has something for everyone in your family. This event is a workshop style where youth can pick different inactive sessions throughout the day to attend. Youth can attend one session or sign up for all four sessions. The event will be held on […]

4-H Family Times December-January Newsletter

Highlights for the December-January Family Times 4-H Newsletter include Annual Leaders Banquet recap, newly elected Leaders Association Board Members, WI 4-H License plates, Fall Forum recap, being a host family Q&A’s, risk management reminders, Arts Festival date announced, and Wisconsin Honey Queen welcome.

Calling All Adult Volunteers!

Do you know how to do arts and crafts, crochet/knit, or sand and paint a piece of wood? Have you ever decorated a cake, grown vegetables, or created scale models of trains/cars? Would you be interested in learning with youth how to build a rocket, how to work with animals, or how to work on […]

4-H Family Times November Newsletter

Highlights for the November Family Times 4-H Newsletter include Teen Leader Association October recap, Club Officer Workshop, thanking 4-H award sponsors, Summer 2020 International Exchange opportunities, New Horizons registration, next Cat Project meeting, Dog Project leader meeting, Holiday Tack and Craft Sale, scholarship opportunities, creative arts festival, and Cloverbud Pumpkin Contest.

4-H Family Times October Newsletter

Highlights include for the 4-H Family Times October Newsletter: Citizenship Washington Trip, Space Camp, Volunteer Registration, Fall FOrum Date, Fall Paper Clover Campaign, American Honey Queen VIsit, Wisconsin State Horse Expo, 4-H Horse Leader Conference Information, Dairy Bowl Workshop, Upcoming programs and service opportunities at the Kettle Moraine State Forest – Northern Unit, and Discovery […]

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