4-H & Youth

Horse and pony project members collected items for the Humane Society - dog food, cat food, cat litter, bleach, and paper towels. 4-H is a dynamic youth organization across America where young people learn leadership, citizenship, and life skills by participating in 4-H and community activities.  In Fond du Lac County there are over 450 4-H members that belong to one of the 18 community clubs.

4-H Main Menu

 About 4-H

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4-H Resources

4-H Fridays

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Wisconsin 4-H Youth Development Care to Share Form
This form has been designed to provide valuable input to Wisconsin 4-H Youth Development programs. Once completed and submitted, this form will be distributed to the most appropriate individual or group to address the issue or concern. All sections (including contact information) must be completed.

Tracy Keifenheim
4-H Program Educator

Telephone: (920)906-4625

Our Office

UW-Madison Division of Extension
Fond du Lac County
Room 227 Administration/Extension Bldg.
400 University Drive
Fond du Lac, WI 54935-2998

Phone: (920) 906-4620
Fax: 920-906-4638
711 for Relay

Hours: M-F 8am – 4:30pm

The office is closed all major holidays and the day after Thanksgiving.

Where we are located

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