Town of Oakfield residents sampled well water on April 8, 2013. View the results.
Residents in the Town of Oakfield last sampled with the UW-Extension lab in Stevens Point in November, 1991. At that time, 44 wells were sampled. 10 of them (24%) tested positive for coliform bacteria. 4 (10%) of them had nitrate levels over the EPA health standard of 10ppm. 11 wells were tested for arsenic, and it was not detected in any of those wells.
Residents in the Township tested for bacteria and nitrates in partnership with UW-Extension, Fond du Lac County Code Enforcement, the Fond du Lac County Health Dept., and Luxerin Labs in May 2009. During this program 35 wells were sampled. 7 (20%) tested positive for coliform bacteria, and one well tested positive for E. Coli also. There was only one well in which nitrates were measured over the EPA health standard of 10ppm for nitrates. Nitrates were detected in other wells but at lower levels.
Bacteria and nitrates are the two most important contaminants to test for in a private drinking water well because they have the most impact on human and animal health. It is recommended that well water users check their well for bacteria and nitrates every 15 months, or once per year at a different time of the year each time. Well water quality can change quickly. The more often a well is tested, the better well users and specialists will be able to identify the cause or source of contamination.