Rent Smart at Ripon Public Library

Rent Smart LogoRent Smart   focuses on the knowledge and skills essential for a successful renting experience.  It challenges participants to know and understand their rights and responsibilities as a tenant, as well as know and understand the rights and responsibilities of their landlord. Emphasis is on forming a strong partnership between the tenant and landlord. Establishing a positive rental history is much like having a positive credit report and Rent Smart starts participants on the right path for success.

In Fond du Lac County, Rent Smart is co-sponsored by ADVOCAP, UW-Extension Cooperative Extension Family Living Programs and the City of Fond du Lac Redevelopment Office.

Rent Smart is being taught on Tuesday and Thursday, October 9th and 11th from 5:30 – 7:45 pm at the Ripon Public Library meeting room.  After attending both sessions class participants will receive a Rent Smart Certificate.  There is no charge for the Rent Smart class.

Rent Smart registration information can be accessed on the Fond du Lac County UW-Extension Cooperative Extension’s home page at: or by contacting   the Fond du Lac County UW-Extension Office at (920)906-4620.

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