Money Smart Week® Returns

April 21-28, 2018  

Money Smart WeekSaving for college? Preparing for retirement? Repairing your credit? Just wish you were better at managing your money? Looking to help your child increase their money use knowledge?   During the week of April 21 – 28, you will want to  check out  one of many financial education programs which will be available free of charge in Fond du Lac County for residents of all ages.  Money Smart Week in Fond du Lac County will be back for its 12th year.  Money Smart Week is coordinated by The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and local organizations who have partnered in Fond du Lac County.


You can find out what free events are being offered in Fond du Lac County by the following ;    local printed inserts in the Action Advertiser and the national website:    Remember, all events are free and open to the public.   For more Money Smart Week information contact UW Extension Fond du Lac County – Shelley Tidemann 920-929-3174.

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