Raising replacement heifers in managed grazing systems provide economic savings and ecological improvements at the farm and watershed level, along with improved animal performance as they enter the milking herd.
While there are many dairy farms that have successfully implemented dairy heifer grazing to their operation, many dairy farms have not. The session will feature a panel of farmers and nutritionists discussing the advantages and logistics of raising heifers in managed grazing systems.
We will also discuss the opportunity of building out a custom dairy heifer grazing supply chain in the region – matching dairy farms with custom heifer raisers with the goal of increasing farm economic viability and keeping small to mid-size farms a part of our rural landscape while meeting water quality goals.
We will also provide information and resources available to farmers and industry partners interested in the possibilities related to grazing dairy heifers.
Bring your questions and experiences! Bring your neighbors, your nutritionists…and for nutritionists, bring your farmer clients! We expect a lively conversation and would appreciate having you in it. And we’ll feed you lunch!
- Tuesday, February 27, 2024 – 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
- Farm WI Discovery Center, Newton, WI
Perks: Free event, free knowledge, and free lunch!Please RSVP here: https://go.wisc.edu/4olixk