FoodWIse and the Fond du Lac County WIC (Women, Infants and Children) Program partnered to offer a family cooking class for parents and children participating in the FitFamilies program.
Both FoodWIse and FitFamilies are Supplemental Nutrition Education (SNAP-Ed) programs. FitFamilies is for parents of 2-4 year olds enrolled in WIC and interested in working more in-depthly on health-related goals. Overarching goals of the program are to encourage the following: “move” (be more physically active), “bite” (eat more fruits and vegetables), and “sip” (reduce or eliminate sugary beverages.) In addition, parents are encouraged to role model healthy behaviors for their children. FitFamilies Coaches follow-up with families monthly for guidance, support, and to provide tools to meet the family’s individual goals.
Cooking together as a family has numerous benefits. Parents are able to connect with their children while creating something new and it is valuable family time together. It teaches young children new vocabulary, concepts, and age-appropriate cooking skills. It teaches young children how to problem solve, plan, and organize, which are all important in planning meals and cooking. And, it teaches young children about responsibility and cleanliness/hygiene in the kitchen. Parents have the opportunity to role model all of these important skills to their children while working alongside them. In addition, children are more likely to try the healthy foods because they helped prepare them.
At the class, FoodWIse guided parents and children in making banana sushi, veggie superhero faces, and berry infused water. Young children learned the skills of measuring, cutting, assembling, and trying new foods. All participants received a goody bag of kitchen equipment items to encourage them to recreate the healthy, family friendly recipes at home. The FitFamilies Coaches and participants all had very positive feedback about the class. The upcoming cooking class scheduled will be held in Spanish for LatinX families, with FoodWIse Bi-lingual Nutrition Educator Janeth Orozco presenting.