Almost 30 youth leaders joined us on a Saturday morning! Youth officers represented 11 of the community clubs during the training. The morning started off with the youth learning some ice breaker activities and getting to know each other. The youth then learned about the 3 parts of a meeting: Education, Business, and Recreation. There were some interactive activities throughout the training to keep the youth actively participating and engaged. Youth leaders then helped facilitate the officer tracks. These tracks were breakout sessions, where the youth learned specific skills and duties of the officer roles they were elected for.

The youth pictured are presenting what makes up a 4-H Meeting and how to make new members feel welcome. Youth were assigned into 3 groups to discuss what makes a 4-H meeting and how a new member might feel at a meeting and how to set up a welcoming environment at their club meetings.
Based on the evaluations completed, the youth officers were excited to help new members make motions during a meeting, try different ways to vote, and lead new icebreakers during their club meetings! Many of the youth also shared they enjoyed meeting new people!