Be aware of Financial aid scams

Be aware that financial aid scams targeting college students have been reported recently in Wisconsin. Never give out a credit, debit or bank account number unless you know the organization you are giving it to is legitimate. Here are some resources from the office of Federal Student Aid if you have questions or think you […]

Earned Income Tax Credit

Low and moderate-income workers in Wisconsin may be eligible for thousands of dollars of additional income at tax time. For many families, the federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), together with the state Earned Income Credit, can bring in anywhere from a few dollars to more than $8,000, depending on household income and size. Both […]

Check Your Free Credit Report Campaign

The Check Your Free Credit Report Campaign: 2/2, 6/6, 10/10 (February 2, June 6 and October 10) is an easy way to remember set aside five minutes on these dates to pull one credit report from one credit bureau.  All Americans can pull their reports at periodic intervals annually.  Federal law allows each of us to […]

Safe Preserving: So You Got A Deer

For many people in Wisconsin, fall means deer season, this can be bow season or gun-deer season. The University of Wisconsin Extension has several resources to help hunters, and their families, safely prepare and preserve venison once a deer is harvested. For more details go to: So You Got A Deer    

Affordable Care Act – Local Enrollment Assistance Available

On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act. The law puts in place comprehensive health insurance reforms that will roll out over four years and beyond. The official consumer website for enrollment services is: The Wisconsin Enrollment Directory (October 2013) was created to help individuals in Wisconsin make appropriate referrals for […]

Screening Site At The WIC Office

Diane Fett, Fond du Lac County Birth to 3 Director, Colleen Deanovich, Fond du Lac County WIC Director and Jean Weston Fond du Lac County Maternal Child Health Coordinator are pleased to announce the implementation of a developmental screening site at the WIC office.  The site offers the Ages and Stages Questionnaires  for parents to […]

Access Your Free Credit Report

The information contained in credit reports can play a role in whether you’re offered a job or eligible for a loan. To make it easier for people to monitor their financial well-being, UW-Extension educators around the state are promoting the ““Check Your Free Credit Report Campaign: 2/2, 6/6, 10/10”,” reminding people to view one of […]

Preserving Food at Home Blog

It’s the time of year for preserving food at home. If you or someone you know would benefit from keeping up on food preservation and food safety topics, you may want to subscribe to the Safe & Healthy: Preserving Food at Home blog. In order to keep up-to-date with this blog, subscribe via RSS feed.

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