Office Operations March 2020

As a Division of UW-Madison, Extension is following the lead of UW-Madison leadership in responding to the COVID-19 virus outbreak, in conjunction with public health and county officials. The latest guidance from UW-Madison and local government is to limit on-site work in addition to postponing events. This guidance is in reaction to a worldwide event […]

Black Business Owners Speak

This summer Extension partnered with Fit Oshkosh to interview 48 African American business owners in Fond du Lac, Winnebago, Outagamie, and Brown Counties. Preliminary findings are now available in this infographic. In coming months, Extension is analyzing the interviews and will publish on themes including 1) access to financial resources, 2) motivations for starting a […]

Disparities in Entrepreneurship

Parity Analysis – Black or African American Owned Businesses Fond du Lac, Outagamie, and Winnebego Counties Fond du Lac      Outagamie       Winnebago  Percent Population-Black or African American  Share of Firms- Black or African-American Owned  Share of Employment in Black or African American Owned Businesses  Share of Sales/Receipts by Black or African American […]

You’re Invited! Boss: The Black Experience in Business 

Join Extension to watch “Boss: The Black Experience in Business,” a Wisconsin Public TV documentary with the Regional People of Color Business Association on Wednesday, September 18, 6-8:30pm at THELMA Center for the Arts in Fond du Lac. The event – movie, dinner from Casa Del Tequila, and activities for children ages 10+ – is free! RSVP on […]

Fit Oshkosh call for Black Entrepreneurs

Oshkosh, WI – (June 4, 2019) — Fit Oshkosh, Inc., an organization dedicated to improving racial equality and building a welcoming and inclusive community, is seeking Black entrepreneurs from Fond du Lac, Winnebago, Outagamie, and Brown Counties to participate in a study of their experiences in starting or running their business in Wisconsin. According to […]

Empezar Un Negocio Nuevo

Antes de empezar un negocio, hay que realizar algunos trámites importantes. Estas instrucciones son específicamente para negocios ubicadas en la ciudad y el condado de Fond du Lac. Existen reglas diferentes para municipios diferentes. Si quiere usted vender sus productos en otro municipio, hay que preguntar a la oficina del secretario municipal acerca de sus reglas.

Starting Your Nonprofit

***BEFORE TAKING THESE STEPS, it is important to think about whether incorporating as a nonprofit is the best choice in your group’s situation. For example, there are times when working with another fiscal agent, collaborating with an existing organization, or remaining an informal group are better options. Extension staff can talk with you and work […]

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