Fond du Lac County Market Livestock Project Orientation Meeting Cancelled

 **CANCELLED**CANCELLED**CANCELLED Fond du Lac County Market Livestock Project Orientation Meeting Monday, March 16, 2020 **CANCELLED** As you may be aware, Extension along with the UW-Madison community, UW-Oshkosh Fond du Lac Campus, and our county, have been keeping a close eye on developments around the novel coronavirus COVID-19. At this point in time, UW- Madison Extension […]

Lessons Learned from Irish Dairying

Ireland has a rich dairy industry, making up nearly 40 percent of its total agricultural economy.  Irish farmers utilize a heavy grass-based system that promotes animal well-being, low-inputs, and increased milk components. With a country two times smaller than Wisconsin, the dairy industry processes nearly 7 billion liters of milk annual, supplied by 18,000 family […]

Mission Possible: Motivational Interviewing for Moving Farm Families Forward

Motivational interviewing encourages one to help individuals discover their interest in change and making a change in their lives, farm business, and/or production practices.  It is a collaborative, goal-oriented style of communication with particular attention to the language of change.  It is designed for a consultant or service provider to explore the farmers’ own reasons […]

Motivating Farmers During a Time of Change

“Change isn’t optional.  Change comes to us, no matter how much we resist.  Sometimes we chase it. Sometimes we avoid it.  But it still comes.  That is the nature of life.”  -Lee H. Baucom Agriculture is an industry known for hard work, resilience, strength, and supportive community.  However, farm families often experience many challenges such […]

THRIVE: Supporting Farmers During Difficult Times

During these tough financial and emotional times, farmers and everyone they do business with feel the effects of stress radiating through their work and home lives. Because service-providers provide technical support to their farm clientele, they may be uncomfortable or lack confidence when speaking to farmers in distress.  To address this issue, Extension Fond du […]

Farm Women Need Time to Connect and Network

Farm women need time to connect and network with others who wear the same, many hats they do, and face the same daily experiences and challenges.  Extension Fond du Lac, Manitowoc, Calumet, Sheboygan, Ozaukee & Washington Counties once again hosted the annual “Heart of the Farm” Farm Women’s Conference at Farm Wisconsin Discovery Center.  The […]

Farmers host Healthy Soil-Healthy Water Cover Crop Showcase

The Dodge County Farmers for Healthy Soil-Healthy Water (HSHW), in collaboration with UW-Extension and the Dodge County Alliance, held a cover crop showcase demonstrating 13 different cover crop mixtures growing in a harvested wheat field adjacent to Lake Sinissippi. All totaled, approximately 62 people attended the morning and evening programs on September 19th, 2018.  A […]

Tornado Disaster Relief Resources

Tornado Disaster Relief Resources Fond du Lac County Health Department and Fond du Lac County Emergency Management, in partnership with United Way 2-1-1 and Red Cross, have put together a list of disaster relief resources available to residents affected by the recent weather events. Residents in Fond du Lac County and all residents of the City of Waupun are also […]

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