Focus on Forage: Extension and MFA Local Forage Council Virtual Forum

When alfalfa fails due to winterkill, farmers must turn to alternative forages to make up for both the quality and quantity of the alfalfa lost in a growing season.  Extension Crops/Soils and Dairy Program members, Midwest Forage Association (MFA), and 11 local Forage Councils, including Fond du Lac County, partnered to host the Local Forage […]

Making the Connection:  Reframing Tough Conversations for Success

  It is human nature to avoid conflict, stressful situations, and the unknown.  And often, it seems easier to avoid difficult conversations.  As agribusiness professionals and service providers, it is easier to focus on the technical component in a conversation rather than the emotional aspect. Extension Fond du Lac County Dairy & Livestock Agent Tina […]

Winter Calf Care

When you reach for another layer, it is time to start making your calf care plan for winter. Tina Kohlman UW-Madison Extension Fond du Lac County Dairy & Livestock Agent joined Millaine Wells of Green Bay WFRV Channel 5 for a chat about nutrition, bedding, and the best housing for your calves. One-month-old calves begin […]

Farm Safety and Women

Every individual working in the Wisconsin agricultural industry counts and has a part in safety and health prevention efforts and that is why “every farmer counts” as this year’s National Farm Safety & Health Awareness Week theme. Women play an increasingly critical role in operating farms and ranches nationwide. In 2017, almost 30% of the […]

UW-Extension Launches New Podcast on New and Alternative Crops

UW-Extension Launches New Podcast on New and Alternative Crops Agricultural diversification is a hot topic right now.  Faced with an ongoing stretch of depressed commodity prices, growers are looking for other cropping options.  To meet the need, UW-Extension has launched a new podcast to provide growers with research-based information on new and alternative crops.  Each […]

Managing the Dry Period for a Successful Lactation

The transition from late gestation to early lactation is challenging for both animals and dairy producers and is an important phase of a cow’s lactation and production cycle. Closely managing cows during this time is crucial to making sure the transition goes smoothly for successful lactation. Extension Dairy & Livestock Agent Tina Kohlman collaborated with […]

Agriculture Economic Report Now Available!

Family-owned farms, food processors, and agriculture-related businesses generate thousands of jobs and millions of dollars of economic activity for Fond du Lac County while contributing to local income and tax revenues. Find out how Agriculture benefits Fond du Lac County.

Managing the Surplus: Management Strategies for Reducing Milk Production

The current COVID-19 situation with supply chain disruption and reduced demand for products has caused excess product to build up at some local dairy processing plants. To reduce milk supply earlier this month, some dairy producers have been instructed to reduce milk shipped with some feeding excess milk to calves, heifers, and lactating cows, or […]

Considerations for Land Spreading Milk

With milk prices plunging lower and demand for dairy products declining because of the COVID-19 pandemic, some dairy processors do not have the storage capacity to take delivery of milk. As a result, some farms, including within Fond du Lac County, have been forced to dump milk into their manure storage facilities. There are several […]

Office Operations March 2020

As a Division of UW-Madison, Extension is following the lead of UW-Madison leadership in responding to the COVID-19 virus outbreak, in conjunction with public health and county officials. The latest guidance from UW-Madison and local government is to limit on-site work in addition to postponing events. This guidance is in reaction to a worldwide event […]

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