New Afterschool 4-H Clubs: LEGO Club and Visual Arts Club

New in the 2021-2022 4-H year the Fond du Lac County 4-H program will be offering two new clubs: LEGO Club and Tri-County Visual Arts Afterschool Club. Each club will have a focus on the special interest it is named after. Each club meets monthly and will have different opportunities for the youth to learn […]

Cloverbud Day Camp: Buzz, Flutter, Crawl

Cloverbud Day Camp made a return in 2021. Youth leaders and two volunteers helped plan out the camp.  The youth leaders led activities with the groups all day under the supervision of the two volunteer leaders. This Day Camp was for youth who had completed Kindergarten- 2nd grade. The youth who participated started the morning […]

4-H Family Times July Newsletter

Highlights in the July Family Times 4-H Newsletter include:  Fond du Lac County Fair, 4-H Leader’s Banquet, 4-H Movement Chris Clover Summer Promotion and Challenge, Record Books, Cloverbud Camp & Cardboard Camp, VIP Training Citizenship, Leadership, & 4-H Growth Achievement Awards, Community Service Award and Key Awards, Volunteer Recognition, Teen Leader Association, and Fall Forum.

2021 Awesome Apples Foods Revue

On June 22, ten Fond du Lac County Youth showcased their awesome apples recipes at the 2021 Foods Revue.  There was youth of all ages from Kindergarten to one year out of high school.  The foods revue teaches the youth so many life skills.  Youth practice culinary skills while preparing their recipes as well as setting […]

Youth Learning Life Skills Over Summer

With schools finishing up the year, 4-H is gearing up for many summer activities and programming. June is a busy month, as youth can participate in the annual Clothing Revue, Foods Revue, Teen Leadership Day Camp, dairy judging practices, and many project meetings. All these opportunities provide youth the chance to learn new things and […]

Connecting with Kansas

One youth from Fond du Lac County and eleven youth from other counties in Wisconsin participated in a virtual exchange with 16 youth from Kansas. The exchange consisted of six youth-led Zoom meetings for the last few months. Youth were able to share information about themselves, interests, facts about their states as well as other […]

Virtual Project Lessons

Tracy Keifenheim, Fond du Lac County 4-H Educator in collaboration with 4-H Educators Amy Mangan-Fischer, and Jayna Hintz designed take and learn project kits on the topics of art, science, wellness, woodworking, cake decorating, and garden & bugs. The project kits included a variety of learning explorations and were distributed to partner organizations in each […]

Family Learning Day 2021

Fond du Lac County 4-H holds an annual project learning day known as Family Learning Day.  The day normally consists of 150 youth and adults attending up to four learning sessions in person on a Saturday. Due to Covid, the planning committee was tasked with planning a modified event to provide this opportunity for learning […]

Virtual Visual Arts Festival

For the last five months, 4-H Program Educators from Fond du Lac, Ozaukee, and Washington County have been meeting virtually with youth from the three counties to plan the first Tri-County Visual Arts Festival. 4-H is a positive youth development program that values youth and adult partnerships and the youth are truly partners in planning […]

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