Activities For Youth During ‘Safer At Home’

Ron Jakubisin, Positive Youth Development Educator

The COVID19 ‘Safer At Home’ order caused everyone to scramble to figure out how to create order out of the chaos of no school, work-from-home offices, managing school requirements, and keeping youth engaged in a healthy productive way. Youth are now online learners getting their school work done however their ‘normal’ social interaction time has diminished significantly. That peer-to-peer interaction time in class, in clubs, and in sports also give time to learn social skills. Schools use Social Emotional Learning guidelines to foster social skill development.

What Is Social and Emotional Learning? Social and emotional learning is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions (Social Emotional Learning Competencies, WDPI, May 2018)*.

The following link provides adults and youth with at-home activities that promote Social Emotional Learning skills. The PDF Social Emotional Learning At Home provides 10 links, from BrainPOP to PBSKids, with videos, activities, worksheets, games and lesson plans that focus on SEL awareness & skills. Social-Emotional Learning at Home

If you are looking for more ideas on how to engage youth at home that focuses on character development, leadership, and team-building, contact Ron Jakubisin, Positive Youth Development Educator at 920-929-3144 or

*An academic guide: Social Emotional Learning Competencies May 2018- Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (WDPI)

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