For the last five months, 4-H Program Educators from Fond du Lac, Ozaukee, and Washington County have been meeting virtually with youth from the three counties to plan the first Tri-County Visual Arts Festival. 4-H is a positive youth development program that values youth and adult partnerships and the youth are truly partners in planning this event. The youth on the planning committee participated fully in each meeting, chose the theme, the format, and helped secure the funding from their respective Leaders Associations. Youth are practicing Life Skills such as decision making, problem-solving, wise use of resources, planning/organizing, self-responsibility, cooperation, teamwork, and so many others from the 4-H Life Skills Model.
The committee is currently planning to involve the Cloverbuds from each county through the creation of take and learn project kits and a planned time for sharing and reflecting on what they learn. The youth have researched the cost, materials, and skill levels of the activities to put kits together. All the kits would be incorporating this year’s theme: “Nature in Art.” Providing the opportunity for the youth on the planning committee to practice and model their leadership skills.
The committee’s final tasks are to prepare for the Virtual judging and presentation of artwork submitted. The Visual Arts Festival plans on having virtual judging take place on Saturday, March 13 followed by a Meet the Artist session. Artwork will be display virtually on Saturday and winners will be notified. The Tri-County Visual Arts Festival committee is inviting all youth (third grade through one year out of high school) in the three counties to enter artwork into the contest. Artwork must be submitted digitally by Monday, February 15th. In addition to the artwork, youth are asked to answer reflection questions, as reflection is key to experiential learning and one of the cornerstones of 4-H. The artwork can be submitted here.