Opportunities for Improving Starch Digestibility on Dairy Farms

Starch is an important source of energy for dairy cows.  Starch typically comes in the form of dry or high moisture corn and corn silage.  Digestibility of corn starch, however, can be highly variable.  Particle size, grain processing, moisture levels, and storage methods are some of the factors that affect starch digestibility.  Starch digestibility can […]

Dairy Farm Safety Short Course

Dairy farming continues to be a high hazard occupation.  According to the 2004 National Occupational Injury Surveillance of Production Agriculture, an estimated 80,300 (9.2 injuries per hour) work-related injuries occurred to adults on farms.  Every day across the nation, approximately 243 agricultural workers suffer a lost-work time injury, with five percent of these injuries resulting […]

Feeding Strategies and Resources for Challenging Times

Drought conditions often create issues regarding forage supply and quality that significantly impact dairy operations.  Because of the current situation, Tina Kohlman in cooperation with neighboring counties developed and organized the “Feeding Strategies & Resources for Challenging Times” seminar for dairy consultants and nutritionists.  Sixteen local dairy nutritionists and consultants from the Fond du Lac, Sheboygan, […]

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