Do you have a business or want to start one IGNITE! Business Success is the network of 16 organizations in Fond du Lac County that are ready to help you with your dream. At these upcoming (and free) events, you can meet us and other innovators in the area.
- Tuesday, August 14, 5-7pm, at THELMA Center for the Arts: Startup Week Happy Hour. Learn more about Startup Week Wisconsin and meet others making it happen here and around the state.
- Every Wednesday from 9-10am starting on August 22 at Envision Greater FDL, join others practicing their business pitch and receiving feedback to improve it at One Million Cups. Free to attend with coffee provided.
- On Your Time: contact me or any of the IGNITE! partners for a one-on-one meeting to learn more. We can meet any time of day, any day of the week, in your choice of location. We want to know what we can do to help your business – and our economy – thrive.
You know you can do it. Let us help you.