Forward Service Corporation is a non-profit employment and training organization that is located in 46 Wisconsin Counties. The agency works closely on case management, job training, and employment for W2 and FSET (FoodShare Employment and Training) participants. At the state level, Forward Service Corporation and the FoodWIse nutrition program have worked closely to bring together the two programs. Among the many nutrition education topics that the FoodWIse program has to offer, food budgeting is a popular topic with local Forward Service Corporation. FoodWIse focuses on useful strategies to help families and individuals spend their FoodShare dollars better, including FSET clients on FoodShare. Food budgeting is an important life skill that Forward Service Corporation staff believe help improve employability and job readiness.
In Fond du Lac County, the partnership between the two programs began more than 5 years ago. Currently, FoodWIse is offering a 4 part series titled “Food Cents”. Program participants receive lessons on the following topics: 1) Saving Money on Food Away from Home; 2) Basics of Food Budgeting; 3) Grocery Shopping Strategies; 4) Meal Planning. In addition, lessons on label reading, portion sizes, and cooking may be offered.