Credit Report vs. Score

Do you know there is a difference between your credit report and credit score? Many people use the terms “credit report” and “credit score” interchangeably, but they are not the same. Your credit report is a detailed account of your credit history, while your credit score is a three-digit number signifying your credit-worthiness. You are entitled to three free credit reports per year, but you generally have to pay to view your score.[1] Although a credit score is a useful piece of information, it is ultimately calculated using the information in your credit report. Therefore, paying for a credit score is typically unnecessary, but ensuring the accuracy of the underlying data in the report is crucial.

Follow this link for further information on credit reports vs. credit scores

[1] Several major credit card companies provide free credit scores to their customers. In addition, nonprofit organizations that offer credit counseling, housing counseling, and other forms of financial counseling services may now share credit scores with their clients. See this CFPB blog post for more information.


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