The Junior Master Gardener Program

Research shows that there are numerous health, nutrition, social, emotional, and academic benefits to gardening with young children. This may be the reason for the popularity and longevity of the Junior Master Gardener (JMG) program in Fond du Lac County, which has been around for 20+ years. JMG is a great example of a county […]

Registration Open for Junior Master Gardener (JMG) Program

Looking for a free interactive, educational program for your child this summer? If you answered yes, then you’ll want to check out UW-Extension’s Junior Master Gardener (JMG) Program. It is a summer-long gardening/cooking program for youth, ages 8-12 years, that teaches them to “dig in the dirt”, care for plants, cook in the kitchen and […]

Now Hiring Positive Youth Development Educator

Fond du Lac & Washington County Positive Youth Development Educator The Positive Youth Development Extension Educator designs, delivers, and evaluates research-based educational programming and services aligned with the position’s programmatic focus. Initial programming focus will include: Increase community outreach of youth development programming & expand and develop programs focused on increasing community engaged leadership opportunities […]

Now Hiring Positive Youth Development Educator

Fond du Lac & Washington County Positive Youth Development Educator The Positive Youth Development Extension Educator designs, delivers, and evaluates research-based educational programming and services aligned with the position’s programmatic focus. Initial programming focus will include: Increase community outreach of youth development programming & expand and develop programs focused on increasing community engaged leadership opportunities […]

Summer Career Exploration Events for Youth

If you are a youth age 10 & up, you may be interested in the  Summer Career Exploration Events Lakeshore Technical College is offering. Their activities include Tech Girls STEM Camp, Explore Ag, Explore Energy, and Explore Healthcare. For more information or to register, go to: Registration deadline is June 1, 2018 for all classes.

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