Security Freezes and Fraud Alerts

If you believe you are the victim of identity theft, visit the Federal Trade Commission’s identity theft website, which lists the steps you need to take. The FTC has a second website, “Immediate Steps to Repair Identity Theft,” with similar information. For individuals who believe they have been or will be the victims of identity theft, […]

UW-Extension: Continue to check your free credit report after a data breach

The latest data breach in the news comes from Equifax, one of the three major credit bureaus in the U.S. This breach involves computer hackers accessing personal data – social security numbers, birth dates, addresses, and potentially more information – of 143 million U.S. consumers. Equifax advises all consumers to determine if their personal information […]

Back to school is a great time to plan for your child’s future

“They grow up so quickly!” How many times have you been told that or thought that as a parent? Back to school time is certainly one of those milestones that mark the passing years, especially when your child is starting school fulltime. Before you know it, a kindergartener will be a High School Junior, looking […]

Myths about Bullying

Bullying is certainly not new. Every generation has its trademark story or movie about the horrors of bullying. For a colleague and I, the 80’s movie My Bodyguard immediately sprung to mind when we began to discuss the topic. It’s a movie about a young teen faced with the threat of constant physical harassment. For my daughter’s generation the […]

Just-In-Time Parenting receives donation

Joan Pinch, left, Fond du Lac Noon Kiwanis presents Shelley Tidemann with a check for the “Just In Time Parenting Newsletter Project” a 24 year educational partnership between Fond du Lac County Kiwanis, Agnesian Health Care and Fond du Lac County UW-Extension Family Living Program.

Back to School Registration

Back to School Registration at the Salvation Army Corps Saturday, August 5: 8:00 am – 2:00pm Monday, August 7, 2017: 3:00 – 7:00 pm 237 North Macy St. (Enter on the Macy St. side of the building) You will need: Photo ID Proof of Address Proof of income for the last 30 days Name of […]

Check your free credit report to build financial security

The University of Wisconsin-Extension “Check Your Free Credit Report: 2/2, 6/6, 10/10” campaign seeks to make the process of remembering to order a free credit report as easy as possible. Anyone can sign up to receive an email reminder from UW-Extension three times a year—on 2/2, 6/6, and 10/10—on the campaign’s website: While you […]

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