Credit Score and Credit Reports – Are they different?

Credit Report vs. Credit Score Many people use the terms “credit report” and “credit score” interchangeably, but they are not the same. Your credit report is a detailed account of your credit history, while your credit score is a three-digit number signifying your credit-worthiness. You are entitled to three free credit reports per year, but […]

Access Your Free Credit Report

The information contained in credit reports can play a role in whether you’re offered a job or eligible for a loan. To make it easier for people to monitor their financial well-being, UW-Extension educators around the state are promoting the ““Check Your Free Credit Report Campaign: 2/2, 6/6, 10/10”,” reminding people to view one of […]

Finances Need A Check-Up?

You visit the doctor to safeguard your physical health; experts say your financial helath can also benefit from a routine check-up.  There is only one way to obtain the free credit reports you are entitled to by law.  UW-Extension’s “Check Your Free Credit Report Campaign: 2/2, 6/6, 10/10″ tells you how.  The new website introduces […]

There’s Only One Way to Obtain Your Free Credit Report

There is only one legitimate source for a free credit report.  There are many imposters., it’s mailing address and phone number are the only truly no-cost ways to obtain the free credit reorts everybody is entitled to by law.  Other websites claim to offer free reports, scores or monitoring, but thye often incur significant […]

Tax Credits for Low and Moderate Income Families

Several valuable tax credits are available for low and moderate income families.  These include the Federal Earned Income Tax Credit, the Wisconsin Earned Income Credit, and the Homestead Tax Credit.  Together these can be worth thousands of dollars for families – but only if families file tax returns to claim the credits. Detailed information about […]

Give Your Financial Health A Boost

We all visit the doctor to safeguard our health; experts say our financial health can also benefite from a routine check-up.  To make it easier for people to monitor their financial well-being UW-Extension Family Living Educators around the state are kicking off “Check Your Free Credit Report Campaign: 2/2, 6/6, 10/10”.  For more information on […]

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