4-H Family Times March Newsletter

Highlights in the March Family Times 4-H newsletter include:  Summer Camp, 4-H Summer Internship, Spring 4-H Leaders Meeting, Super Craft Saturday, Junior Master Gardeners, Cell Phones at Meetings, Lemonade Day, Scholarships

Looking for Summer Employment?

Extension in Fond du Lac County is looking for a college student interested in working with the 4-H Program Coordinator and Positive Youth Development Educator. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and bilingual in English and Spanish. Click here for further details

Creative Arts Festival promotes the arts to area youth

On Saturday, January 26th, Fond du Lac County 4-H hosted the annual Creative Arts Festival. This event is an opportunity for youth to practice and share their singing, drama, instrumental, speaking, photography, writing and art skills. 33 youth participated. This included community youth, Fond du Lac County 4-H members, and 4-H members from other counties. […]

4-H Family Times February 2019 Newsletter

Highlights in the February Family Times 4-H Newsletter include: 4-H Summer Camp, Lemonade Day, Scholarships, 4-H Basketball Tournament, Tractor Safety & Certification, FDL County Fair T-shirt Design Contest, Celebrate CommUNITY, 4-H License Plates, and Youth Mental Health First Aid Training.

Mark Your Calendars for Saturday, February 23rd

Are Saturdays in February dreary and boring for your family? Not this year! Family Learning Day has something for everyone in your family. Feeling crafty? Make your own t-shirt or jewelry, sew a tote bag, or assemble a birdhouse. Want to learn something new? Attend a session on the latest trends in resume development, how […]

Showcase Your Talent! 4-H Sponsors Creative Arts Festival

Fond du Lac County 4-H would like to invite you and your family to participate in this year’s Creative Arts Festival. The festival is an opportunity for youth and adults to share their talents with the community. The event takes place on Saturday, January 26th at UW-Fond du Lac. Registration is at 8 am and […]


The Positive Youth Development Extension Educator serves the people and communities of Wisconsin by addressing local, statewide and national issues, improving lives through research-based education, fostering partnerships and action, and facilitating positive impacts that support: Thriving individuals and families Effective organizations; Healthy and vibrant communities Strong economies Click here to find out more about this […]

Make an Impact – Volunteer with 4-H!

Do you know how to do simple car maintenance, crochet/knit, or sand and paint a piece of wood? Have you ever decorated a cake, grown vegetables, or created scale models of trains/cars? Would you be interested in learning with youth how to build a rocket, how to work with animals, or how to make balloon […]

4-H makes an impact in the life of youth

UW-Extension 4-H Youth Development integrates research, education, and community-based partnerships to help youth learn and practice skills to be productive citizens. There are four essential elements that are critical to a successful learning experience: a sense of belonging, independence, mastery and generosity. It is important that youth feel that they are a valued part of […]

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