The Berry Drop In Center, a part of Robert E. Berry House, Inc., is a community center designed to provide support and resources for individuals experiencing mental health conditions and/or recovering from substance abuse. The drop-in center has a long history in Fond du Lac County having opened in 2007 under NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Illness). The center is a location for networking, resource sharing, and offering of classes/events, such as art therapy, music, nutrition, healthy coping skills, etc.
Nutrition is listed as a general resource of the Berry House Drop In Center, so they reached out to the FoodWIse Program with interest in offering nutrition education classes. FoodWIse used to teach monthly nutrition and cooking classes at the former drop-in site, but due to staff changes and relocation of the center, it had been many years since the two programs worked together.
Although there was a smaller group for the first class, the information was well-received. Melanie Phillips, Nutrition Educator, offered a class on meal planning and food budgeting to help individuals better spend their FoodShare dollars throughout the month. The staff and clients asked for FoodWIse to return with another class, specifically on microwave cooking and basic cooking skills.