Financial Capability Education

Finances can be a challenging part of life – regardless of your age or income level. Having financial security allows individuals and families to enjoy life more and alleviates worry and stress about income, bills, credit debt, school loans, unexpected expenses and more. Extension has several programs dedicated to building financial capability and even offers individual coaching sessions to help Fond du Lac County and Wisconsin residents build financial awareness, skill sets and work to get their finances on track!

Rent Smart

Rent Smart is a six-hour training for individuals who have little to no rental experience and those who have had difficulty obtaining rental housing. Participants may be first-time renters,  homeowners transitioning to renting, and individuals with poor rental or credit history. Rent Smart provides practical education to help people looking for rental housing to find and keep suitable housing. Rent Smart is offered virtually via Zoom and in-person in Fond du Lac.

Rent Smart is supported in Fond du Lac County by Division of Extension Fond du Lac County, City of Fond du Lac Office of Community Development, Fond du Lac Housing Authority and Legal Action of Wisconsin, Inc.

Planning AHEAD

Planning AHEAD is an end-of-life planning curriculum for all ages developed by UW–Madison Division of Extension faculty and staff. This 7-session research-based program will help participants understand how to prepare for the end of life for themselves or a loved one, and why it’s important to have a plan in place.

Extension’s Money Matters Online Program

Money Matters is TOTALLY FREE and is offered through self-study and individual financial coaching.

Visit the online modules that span twelve different areas of personal finance. The modules are designed to help learners understand their current financial habits and choices, build their knowledge base and provide a tool kit to develop new money management skills and awareness. Each financial topic provides a comprehensive online learning approach offering fact sheets, videos, self-guided assessments and links to more learning resources.

Financial coaching is all about helping you reach your goals!

Financial coaching is free, confidential and it works! You pick the goal and set the pace to meet that goal. Goals can be be related to making and sticking to a budget, fixing your credit, paying off bills, increasing savings, or another financial goal that is important to you. Check in with your coach once a month for about six months over the phone, over Zoom, or in-person. A financial coach provides encouragement and that extra nudge to get going – and keep going.

Building and Maintaining Your Credit

Did you know that you should be checking your credit report three times a year? It is even free to do so! To learn more and find the resources you need to maintain your desired credit, read and follow the Check Your Free Credit Report Campaign

You can buy a score online from one of the three major Credit Reporting Bureaus — Equifax, Experian or TransUnion. While you are legally allowed one free credit report from each bureau every 12 months, they do not have to provide free credit scores.

Financial Education for Children Ages 4-10 

Children learn about money from talking to adults and watching how others spend, save, share, and borrow money. UW-Madison Division of Extension has created parent guides for popular children’s book about money The guides provide discussion questions to talk about as you read the book with a young child. Then enjoy the fun activities that can be done at home, at the store, or in the community!

You can also choose to listen with your child and watch the Money As You Grow Series on YouTube. In these videos an Extension educator reads the story and asks your child reflection questions. Pause the video as you go and enjoy the conversation with your child!

Tax Credits

Wisconsin residents can take advantage of a variety of tax credits to supplement their incomes.  The most important of these include the Federal Earned Income Tax Credit, Wisconsin Earned Income Tax Credit, the Wisconsin Homestead Credit, and the Child Tax Credit. Visit the Division of Extension’s Financial Education website for more resources to help you save on taxes.

Financial Educational Resources

Community Financial Resources

Health Care and Health Insurance Literacy Resources

Health Care and Health Insurance Literacy Resources

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Find a variety of health insurance resources, including enrollment, using benefits, and financial information. logo

Get help applying for health insurance.

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