4-H Camp is an annual opportunity for children to explore the outdoors, swim, canoe, do crafts, take part in flag raising, have campfires, participate in outdoor sports, and live in a group setting away from home. The event involved 81 campers (23 community youth, 58 4-H members), 13 adults, and 12 teen counselors. The adults and counselors form the camp committee that started planning back in January. The camp program is planned and led by teen counselors who apply, are interviewed, and complete training for this role. The committee develops the schedules of activities, gathers supplies, promotions, and other organizational details that are needed to have a fun, safe, and educational program.
Each evening of camp the counselors talked with the campers in their group about what life skills they had worked on that day. Common themes throughout the camp experience were teamwork, social skills, self-responsibility, communication, accepting differences, healthy choices, and self-esteem.