The Strong Bodies Program

The FoodWIse program just completed a 10-week strength training class offered to Riverview Apartment residents.  The StrongBodies program is an evidence-based exercise program for midlife and older adults developed by Tufts University. The program includes progressive strength training, balance training, and flexibility exercises. 

Grace Gallagher, FoodWIse Nutrition Educator, is a certified StrongBodies trainer and taught the classes at Riverview Apartments two times a week for 10 weeks. Classes were approximately 75-90 minutes. In addition to the strength training, mini nutrition lessons were included once a week, which focused on foods that are heart healthy and good for muscles/bones. The program was open to all residents, regardless of age or abilities, with this being the first weight training and/or organized exercise program for a majority of the residents. 

The benefits of StrongBodies on older adults has been studied extensively over decades on participating individuals. It includes: increased muscle mass and strength, improved bone density and reduced risk of osteoporosis and other related fractures, reduced risk of certain chronic diseases (diabetes, heart disease, etc.), and improved self-confidence, sleep, and vitality.

Those participants that consistently attended noticed an improvement in their balance. All participants that responded to the survey reported an increase in their physical activity levels throughout the week. They also reported that they appreciated the time to be active together and socialize. 

Participant quotes: 

  • “I had so much fun in our group. We kept it light and had such a variety of people. I’m so much more accepting of my body and its abilities.” 
  • “I love how the exercises are adapted so anyone can participate at some level.”
  • “I’m more aware of how much movement makes me feel better.”
  • “I’m trying to sneak more vegetables into my diet.”

In addition to in-person classes, FoodWIse promotes the free, virtual sessions offered throughout the state. For more information on the national and state-wide program, visit: and

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