Home » Fond du Lac County Food Resources
Fond du Lac County Food Resources

Fond du Lac County has many individually operated food pantries, hot meal programs, and food assistance programs. This webpage is a hub of information and resources provided by the Fond du Lac Food Providers Group to support our county in getting residents connected to healthy food.
This webpage is updated as new information and resources become available. For a half-sheet paper version of this resource to distribute at your site, go to: QR Code Half-Sheet / En Español
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Recursos Alimentarios Del Condado de Fond du Lac En Español
If you have any additional resources to share, please email amanda.m.miller@wisc.edu or melanie.phillips@wisc.edu. Last updated: 2/27/2024, 8 am
Food Resources for Anyone
Fond du Lac County Food Pantries & Hot Meal Programs:
Brandon Food Pantry is open to Rosendale/Brandon School District residents only. Open 3rd Wednesday of each month, 1:30-4:30pm for pick-up. Location: P.O. Box 312 115 Center St. Brandon, WI 53919. Contact: (920) 273-9196
NEW! Break Bread with Hope is providing a warm meal and other essential items on Fridays from 5-6pm at Cathedral of St. Paul, 51 W. Division St. Fond du Lac. Contact: (920) 266-9748
Broken Bread Food Pantry is open for food distribution every Friday from 1-5 pm. Location: The Cathedral Church of Saint Paul 51 W. Division St. Fond du Lac, WI 54935. Contact: (920) 921-3363 ext. 6
Church of Peace Food Pantry is open Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 10am-12pm. Location: 158 S. Military Rd. Fond du Lac, WI 54935. Contact: (920) 921-8215
CORE Ambassadors For Change is distributing food on an individual basis. Call to arrange. Contact: (920) 238-0793
Fondy Food Pantry is open as walk-through on Mondays from 3:30-5:30, Tuesdays from 11am-1pm, Thursdays 3:30-5:30pm. They will make food deliveries to homebound and disabled clients who are unable to come to the pantry- contact the office for more information. Location: 573 W. Rolling Meadows Dr. Fond du Lac, WI 54937. Contact: (920) 322-0369
Holy Family Catholic Community’s Meal-to-Go program (Blessed Bites) (Spanish Flier) is serving to-go meals every Tuesday from 4 – 5 pm at St. Mary Church 59 E. Merrill Ave. Fond du Lac, WI 54935. Contact: (920) 921-0580
Holyland Food Pantry is open the 3rd Thursday of the month from 9am-1pm and 3pm-6pm. Advanced registration is preferred. Walk-ins welcome. NEW LOCATION: W929 Kiel Rd., New Holstein, WI 53061 (Marytown). Mailing address is: Box 62, Malone, WI 53069. Contact: (920) 286-1333.
Hope on the Block is an after hours pantry with essentials to make it through the time when other support agencies are not open. There are 2 locations: Advocap (north side of the building on Macy St.) and Spillman Public Library in North Fond du Lac. Some essential items available are: toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, hand sanitizer, tissues, non-perishable food, water and more. Contact: (920) 266-9748
Lighthouse Christian Church Food Pantry is open Tuesday and Thursday, 10 am-2 pm. Fresh bread and bakery is available in the front lobby on days the pantry is open with no appointment needed. Location: 401 S. National Ave. Fond du Lac, WI 54935. Contact: (920) 921-3477
Loaves & Fishes Hot Meal Program is offering a curbside pick up hot meal every Monday and Wednesday from 5-5:30pm. Bring proof of address. Location: Church of Peace 158 S. Military Rd. Fond du Lac, WI 54935. Contact: (920) 539-8925
Lomira Area Food Pantry is open 2nd and 4th Saturday each month from 10 am-11 am for families in the Lomira area. Location: 300 Church St. Lomira, WI 53048. Contact: (920) 979-3041
Oakfield Community Food Pantry is open to residents of Oakfield School District. Open 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 3 pm-5 pm. Location: basement of St. James- Son of Zebedee Church 101 N. Main St. Oakfield, WI 53065. Enter back door off the parking lot. Contact: In emergencies (920) 948-0393
Pantry of Hope is open to members of Hope Lutheran Church and non-members. Pantry is available by appointment only. Location: 260 Vincent St. Fond du Lac, WI 54935. Contact: (920) 922-5130
Ripon Community Dinner is holding drive through community dinners on the 4th Tuesday of every month from 5:30-6:30 pm. Dinners will be pre-boxed meals. Location: 220 Ransom St. Ripon, WI 54971. Contact: (920) 748-5898
Ripon Food Pantry is open to Ripon area residents only. Open Monday-Thursday from 9-11, pick up available. Call prior to visit. Location: 218 Blossom St. Ripon, WI 54971. Contact: (920) 748-3196
Ruby’s Pantry offers drive through food distribution on the 2nd Thursday of the month. No income requirements, $25 cash donation required. Location: Grace Christian Church, 1596 Fourth St., Fond du Lac. For important and specific details on how the pantry will operate, visit the pantry’s Facebook page or the church website. Contact: (920) 923-5292
Salvation Army is offering in-person pantry services Monday-Friday 10-1:30. Location: 237 N. Macy St. Fond du Lac, WI 54935. Contact: (920) 923-8220
St. Matthew’s Food Pantry is open by appointment only. Call the pantry to arrange food pick-up. Location: 419 Mill St. Campbellsport, WI 53010. Contact: (920) 602-3607
The Community Table Hot Meal Program is open every Friday from 11am-1pm at Waupun Food Pantry. Location: (NEW!) 520 McKinley St., WI 54963. Contact: (920) 324-4000
The Sharing Table is open every Tuesday of the month. Meals will be provided at different locations each week from 5-6 pm. 1st Tuesday: Our Savior’s U.C.C. Church. 2nd Tuesday: Grace Lutheran Church. 3rd Tuesday: Immanuel United Methodist Church. 4th Tuesday: First Congregational Church (drive through). 5th Tuesday (if on calendar): St. Catherine’s of Sienna. Contact: (920) 748-5433
Traded Treasures Food Pantry is open Monday 10 am- 3 pm and the 4th Wednesday of the month from 5-6 pm. Location: 102 E. Jackson St. Ripon, WI 54971. Also have 24/7 outdoor pantry located outside of the building. Contact: (920) 748-5756
Waupun Food Pantry is open Monday-Thursday 9-3 to Waupun residents only. Call to schedule a pick-up. Location: (NEW!) 520 McKinley St., WI 54963. Contact: (920) 324-4000
We Care Food Pantry is open Monday-Wednesday 9 am-2 pm by appointment only. Location: 1596 4th St. Fond du Lac, WI 54937. Contact: (920) 923-5292
I am 60+
Fond du Lac County Senior Meal Information
Home Delivered Meals provides a noon hot meal delivered Monday through Friday for any person 60+ or married to someone who is 60+. Suggested donation of $5. For more information, contact (920) 906-4792.
Senior Dining Program offers dining choices from Feli’s or Boda’s at various sites. Menus are available online. Suggested donation of $5. To register, call (920) 929-3937 the day before by 12:00pm.
Senior Stock Box is distributed at the Ripon Senior Center (388 Murray Park Drive Ripon, WI 54971) – call 920-471-1636 to register. Ripon boxes distributed on the 4th Monday of the month from 10:45-12pm.
I am pregnant, post-partum, or have children at home
Families with Children
Fond du Lac County WIC If you’re pregnant, breastfeeding or post-partum, or a parent, caregiver or foster parent and you have an infant or child 5 years of age and under you may qualify for WIC benefits. Find more information and to apply here.
Other Resources
Other Food & Nutrition Resources
- Food and Nutrition Assistance
- If you need help feeding yourself or your family, you may qualify for FoodShare.
- Fond du Lac Area United Way 211 has information on food resources, call 211.
Other Financial Resources
- General Financial Resources
- Food Budgeting Resources
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Our Office
UW-Madison Division of Extension
Fond du Lac County
Room 227 Administration/Extension Bldg.
400 University Drive
Fond du Lac, WI 54935-2998
Phone: (920) 906-4620
Fax: 920-906-4638
711 for Relay
Hours: M-F 8am – 4:30pm
The office is closed all major holidays and the day after Thanksgiving.