This year for the first time ever LEGO Club had a LEGO Masters Building Competition on their last meeting of the year. Youth had to complete a build relating to the theme of a park in one hour. Some of the builds included campgrounds and water parks. The youth were then judged on their builds by local celebrities. The local celebrities were Ron Jakubisin, Extension Positive Youth Development Educator and Tiffany Brault, Fond du Lac City Council member. The youth were judged on 5 categories: presentation, originality, complexity of space, use of color, and piece story. As the judges were conversing over the results, the youth enjoyed some yummy LEGO piece rice crispy treats! All the kids did an amazing job! The LEGO club meetings will restart in September. If interested in LEGO Club please contact the office at 920-929-3171, or register through 4-H online at Registration will open in September 2022. Hope to see you there!