Parenthetical – Resources for Parents of Tweens and Teens

What is Parenthetical? Parenthetical is a little different than other sites you might visit. It was designed as a blog, website and social network for parents of tweens and teens. What YOU contribute to the site through questions, comments and advice is the most important part of Parenthetical. Our goal is to make Parenthetical a […]

When You Don’t Approve of Your Child’s Friends

Peers are an important part of the teenage years.  As parents, our teens’ transition to greater reliance on peers can be tricky to navigate.  This week’s parenthetical spot talks about the ways in which parents can successfully balance supporting their teen’s expanding social network and maintaining their own positive, influential role in a teen’s life. […]

Teens can have a fun summer and still remain safe

Summer can be a special time for teens filled with camp, vacations, heady romance, summer jobs, boredom and lots of free time. For parents, however, summer vacation presents unique concerns that differ from those of the routine school year – how to manage ALL that free time and feel confident your teen is safe, while trying to maintain your own regular work […]

Research: Teenage brains inclined to risk-taking

Parents, if your teen sometimes engages in risky behaviors that seem hard to fathom, take heart. According to a University of Wisconsin-Extension/UW-Madison teen specialist, teenagers are physically, socially and emotionally programmed for behavior that people in other stages of life might find perplexing. “A better understanding of the teenage brain helps to explain this,” says […]

Screening Site At The WIC Office

Diane Fett, Fond du Lac County Birth to 3 Director, Colleen Deanovich, Fond du Lac County WIC Director and Jean Weston Fond du Lac County Maternal Child Health Coordinator are pleased to announce the implementation of a developmental screening site at the WIC office.  The site offers the Ages and Stages Questionnaires  for parents to […]

Living Apart, Parenting Together

Divorce is an increasingly common experience for children.  In fact, according to the Census Bureau (2008), an estimated one million children are part of families who divorce annually.  Currently 26% of all children under the age of 18 live in a single-parent household and 16% of children are part of a blended family, (Census Bureau, […]

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