Fit Oshkosh call for Black Entrepreneurs

Oshkosh, WI – (June 4, 2019) — Fit Oshkosh, Inc., an organization dedicated to improving racial equality and building a welcoming and inclusive community, is seeking Black entrepreneurs from Fond du Lac, Winnebago, Outagamie, and Brown Counties to participate in a study of their experiences in starting or running their business in Wisconsin.

According to Rajon Hall, who is conducting the interviews for Fit Oshkosh, the results of the research will be used to inform business development organizations around the state about the specific ways Entrepreneurs of Color experience barriers and success in Wisconsin. Locally, Fit Oshkosh will deploy this learning to shape its programming and strengthen its network of the Regional People of Color Business Association.

The project is being funded through a $10,000 grant from the UW-Madison Division of Extension and is being managed by Community Development Educator Diana Hammer at Extension in Fond du Lac County. According to Hammer, “Northeast Wisconsin’s economic future depends on homegrown startups. Research shows African Americans are more likely to perceive good business opportunities and launch businesses more often than other racial groups. This grant allows us to learn how to best support their success here.”

Black entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs wishing to participate in a confidential interview should contact Rajon Hall at 920-615-3790 or

About Fit Oshkosh

Fit Oshkosh is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that seeks to promote social transformation through Color-Brave conversations, education, advocacy, and research in order to achieve race equity and justice. We believe in the importance of a multicultural community and strength in diversity. We value a community where People of Color fit in without having to conform to the dominant culture.

About the University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension

With an office in each Wisconsin county and faculty on UW Campuses, Extension develops practical educational programs tailored to local needs and based on university knowledge and research. We’re making a measurable difference in three tribal nations and in all 72 counties in our state, as our neighbors put their own great ideas into practice with the essential support of our expertise, resources and research.

Contact: Tracey Robertson
Fit Oshkosh, Inc.
phone: 920-267-8687


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