Shedding Light on Teen Smoking

I was a freshman in high school when I tried my first cigarette. My friend and I had convinced an older kid to buy us a pack of Marlboro 100’s. We parked ourselves in a secluded spot near our school, pulled out a lighter we had bought at a gas station and lit one up. […]

Parenting from the Sidelines

Have you ever been to a sporting event or performance where the parent behind you is shouting out instructions to his teen or berating the other youngsters participating? As the competition increases in middle school and high school so, it seems, does the obnoxious parent behavior. Our culture appears not only to accept parental over-involvement […]

Back-to-school food safety tips

Students will soon be heading back to school, and many of them will be carrying lunches packed at home. Barbara Ingham, food science specialist with the University of Wisconsin-Extension ,has some tips to help ensure that your child’s home-packed lunches are always safe to eat. Wash your hands and areas used to prepare food. Clean […]

Teens, Beans and Tofu

The news is constantly filled with tips for healthy eating as many Americans set goals to “eat healthy” throughout the year. Your teen is listening and may be changing his or her eating habits. Vegetarian eating is one popular (and potentially healthy) way to “eat healthy.” Today’s post is about what parents can do to help […]

Supporting Speaking Up: Helping Your Teen Self-Advocate

Previously, we’ve encouraged parents to promote youth self-advocacy when it comes to seeking support for their learning and development. In fact, the idea of self-advocacy, or speaking up for yourself and making decisions about your own life, is a common theme among parents and adolescents. As the old saying goes, “Give a man a fish, […]

The Health of It All: Teen Dating

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. Throughout the month, advocates across the nation work together to start conversations about how youth can stay safe, happy and healthy in their dating relationships. Parents play an incredibly important role in starting these conversations at home as well. Today’s Parenthetical post provides tips for parents to help […]

Parent Policing: Helping your Teen Stay Safe Online

Whether it’s a computer, smartphone, tablet or even an iPod, teens today have almost unlimited access to smart devices and the Internet. A 2015 report found that 92% of 13-17 year olds reported using the Internet on a daily basis. While 12% of teens report going online once a day, more than half (56%) access […]

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