UW-Madison Extension Entrepreneur in Training (EIT) Partnership

UW-Madison Extension Entrepreneur in Training (EIT) Partnership launched its first online Entrepreneurship Bootcamp with 11 EITs from 8 counties. On April 28, Christoph Halverson, originally from Green Bay and now a Business Development Executive at Staffworks Group, shared his journey from incarceration to call center employee to Vice President of the call center. Recently pardoned by Governor Evers, he is running for political office where he lives in South Carolina and is working on his next entrepreneurial effort inspired by his five kids: developing a triple running stroller.

The next Entrepreneurship Bootcamp starts July 26 and will meet on Mondays and Thursdays from 6-8 pm.

Fill out this application to become an EIT.

Fill out this registration form to join us as a business coach, sharing your expertise with EITs Defying the Odds.


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